Commercial Spaces
Vetrina offers an extraordinarily sophisticated, patented Energy-Absorbing system approach to commercial projects where safety and security of customers and personnel is at stake. This technology utilizes the frames, glazing, hardware and anchoring systems as energy dissipating components. Our experience with blast mitigation projects allows us to apply the knowledge and understanding of energy absorption principles in commercial projects where it's especially important that the glazed unit will stay in the opening and won't shatter undress stress or in the case of a weather or vandalism related impact.
Vetrina’s sister company B-Pro Safeguard was founded to serve the Department of Defense UFC 4-10-01 (2007) AT/FP criteria, by providing the U.S. military and governmental agencies with the most advanced and cost-effective protective glazing systems. Today we’re bringing this expertise to professionals of commercial and residential construction in all industries.
The Norfolk District’s Fort Belvoir Community Hospital – Blast-Mitigation Windows & Doors